Research tells us that more than 70% of returning veterans are not associated with a veteran service organization (VSO). This places them at risk during their transition from military service back into the communities where they live. And although there are over 45,000 VSO’s in America, many veterans are unaware that these organizations exist resulting in them not taking advantage of the services offered by these organizations.
To overcome this deficiency, the CMVR along with supporting partners; the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Army Soldier for Life, LA Marine for Life, USO, and the City of Downey, have formed a joint partnership to connect veterans through Weekly Musters.
The goal of the Weekly Muster is to connect veterans with their peers for ongoing monitoring, self-evaluation, and support.
Join us for an hour of engagement, camaraderie, soul searching, and empowerment on Google Meet https://meet.google.com/dii-onqe-spf
Open to:
Active Duty
Reserve Members
And their families!